
Baptisms in the Ouse Valley Benefice

Baptism is a moment of great joy and significance in life and you and your family and friends will be very welcome in our churches. 

For some it’s as a baby or young child; for others it’s when we come to faith as an adult. For those around them, it’s about the declaration of promises and a welcoming into God’s family. Jesus was baptised and told his followers to go out into the world, to preach the gospel and to baptise others. Baptism (or Christening) remains the way that people join the church today.

If you live in one of the parishes or regularly attend one of our churches and would like your child (or yourself) to be baptised or to have a Service of Thanksgiving, then please contact our Baptism Coordinator. They will take your details and guide you through the process.

We hold baptismal services in our main Sunday morning service as we love to welcome you and your family as part of the main church family. However, we may also be able to hold baptisms at other times - so please do get in touch.

When a baby or young child is baptised, the families and Godparents are asked to make promises before God on behalf of the child. We will be more than happy to explain what these promises are about and why they are so important. For older children and adults, you make these promises for yourself and we would invite you to a Baptism course.

For babies, as well as baptisms, we also offer services of thanksgiving for the birth of a child. This might be an option for parents who are not wishing to make baptismal promises on behalf of their child - and hence leaving the door open for baptism at a later date.


If you are interested in arranging a baptism or service of thanksgiving for your child, please contact our Vicar, Revd Nigel Moat on

If an older child or an adult wishes to be baptised, we would also love to talk to you, so please do get in touch. We will then be able to chat to you about the options that are available to you.