Quick Access to Ouse Valley Benefice Forms
The page gives you quick access to forms used with the Ouse Valley Benefice. Where possible we ask you to use these forms for collection information as it enables us to keep all the relevant information together in one place. Using a form also ensures all the relevant information is captured.
Calendar Updates
If you would like to make an update to the Ouse Valley Calendar, please complete this online form. This is the quickest way to add (or amend) things on the calendar. If you are requesting a newsletter item (see below) you do not need to submit a separate calendar update request.
Newsletter or Website Item
If you would like a notice added to the monthly newsletter, weekly mailing list or our facebook page, please complete this online form. This is the preferred option for adding newsletter items as it enables us to collate all the information in one place. It is also the most efficient way to create our monthly newsletter.
Safeguarding Update Form
As a benefice we are collating all our safeguarding records in one central location. In addition to this, for the time being parishes will need to maintain their own records. However, once the central records are complete, this will become the auditable records for the diocese.
If you have any new DBS or training records that need to be updated on the benefice records, please update this form. This is the preferred option for updating safeguarding records as it enables us to collate all the information in one place.