Safeguarding Policy

The safeguarding policy can be accessed here.

Mandatory Training Requirements

The mandatory training requirements were published by the Diocese of Ely in their April 2023 Safeguarding Newsletter

Clergy, LLMs, ALMs and Clergy with PTO

Parish Safeguarding Officers


PCC Members


Roles that play a leadership role in shaping the culture of the Parish Church just complete…

The Safeguarding Leadership Pathway focuses on leadership and cultural change. The Parish Church must assess the safeguarding training needs of their volunteers, elected officials and paid roles to decide if the requirement to attend the Leadership Pathway is met.


Volunteers who do not take on any of the above roles in addition to the role they are volunteering for, must complete…

Modern Slavery

Module available via NST and Clewer project.  This training is advocated as good practice but is not a requirement.

Safeguarding Action Plan

We now have a safeguarding action plan that has been drawn up following our audit. Most of the actions will be carried out following the APCMs once the PCCs are in place for 2024/25. Revd Nigel will liaise with the churchwardens and Parish Safeguading Officers in terms of the next steps. For those with access to the action plan, you can view it be clicking the button below.

If the above button does not open the safeguarding action plan, this means that you do not have access to it. Currently those with access are churchwardens. PSO's will be added once the distributiuon list has been set up. 

Visiting Bell Ringers

We are in the process of approving a Safeguarding Policy for visiting bell ringers for all of our churches. In the interim, the minimum requirements in order for a visiting team to ring in our churches is as follows...