Ouse Valley Calendar
Click the date at the top of the calendar in order to navigate to a different date (Click 'Today' in the header to jump back to the current date.)
Click on the calendar entry to show more details including location.
To add this calendar to your Google Calendar, please click the '+' button at the foot of the calendar.
If the above button does not open the service schedule it means that you do not currently have access. Currently those with access are churchwardens and ministry team members.
Calendar Updates
Calendar Updates
If you would like to add, or amend, anything on the calendar please click the button below to open the calendar update form.
Online Services
Online Services
You can access our online services from Bexwell using the zoom link below. If you have any problems accessing the zoom service please drop as a line by contacting is using this online form.
Zoom Meeting ID: 830 1518 3191, Passcode: 400888
Use this button to open up the lectionary page for printing Sunday's bible readings.