The Ouse Valley Benefice

Bexwell + Crimplesham + Denver + Hilgay

Ryston + Southery + Ten Mile Bank

Welcome to the Ouse Valley Benefice

Welcome to the Ouse Valley Benefice - a group of Churches in West Norfolk that are part of the Diocese of Ely. The Benefice comprises seven rural villages and their churches in or close to the Norfolk fens: Bexwell, Crimplesham, Denver, Hilgay, Ryston, Southery, and Ten Mile Bank. The Benefice came into existence in January 2022 succeeding several earlier groupings to make more coherent geographical sense.

Summer Growth

A confession - the Rectory garden is very overgrown! All the rain that we’ve had this summer has encouraged lots of growth and the weeds are loving it. I’m just about on top of the mowing but as for the borders - well that is another story.

So much lush greenery has made me think about the growth I long to see in our Churches too. I’m delighted to say that during July, several adults from our benefice are going to make public declarations of their faith as they are baptised or confirmed. Please come to support them as they take these steps on their faith journeys and hear what they have to share. 

Baptism and confirmation are outward signs of something deeper happening in our spiritual lives. It has been such a privilege to be alongside these folk as they offer themselves to God in deeper ways. Everyone’s story is so personal and unique. He meets us all individually.

For many of us, its a long time since we passed these milestones yet our journeys of faith don’t end once we are confirmed. The Holy Spirit is always drawing us closer to God. Jesus calls us to follow him and promises to make us ‘fishers of men’. How are you intentionally growing in your faith at the moment? How are you getting to know God better?

Growth doesn't happen in isolation. It's through connection to the Lord and to each other that we truly flourish. I am keen to encourage further opportunities for us to connect more deeply with one another and not just on Sunday mornings. Why not come along to some of the events that we have around the benefice? Or suggest something new? And please pray with me that God will bring abundant growth in our lives as we love, serve and worship him together. 

With love and blessings Revd Nigel Moat

News and Events

For all our latest news and events, please see our News and Events page which is regularly updated.

You can also catch up on all the latest information in our monthly newsletter. Click the button below to see the latest edition.

Ely Cathedral Parish Pass

If you are on the electoral roll of any of the churches in the Ouse Valley Benefice, you can apply for a free pass allowing you to visit Ely Cathedral without having to pay an entrance fee. To apply for a pass complete the application form and ask your churchwarden (or Revd Nigel Moat) to counter sign it. You can then take the completed form, together with proof of your address, to the Ticket and Information Desk at Ely Cathedral between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Saturday to receive your pass. 

Parish Giving

We are in the process of setting up Parish Giving for each of our churches. This scheme enables people to set up regular giving or make a one-off donation. The advantage of using this scheme is that gift-aid is automatically claimed on our behalf and all of the money that you donate (including the gift-aid) is passed directly onto the church. There are no administration costs involved. 

Baptisms, Wedding and Funerals.

If you would like to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral in any of our churches, please see out Life Events pages. There you will find more information about how these can be arranged. For baptisms we would like to point you in the direction of our baptism coordinator who will guide you through the process. For weddings, your first point of call would be our Vicar, the Revd Nigel Moat. Funerals would normally be arranged via your chosen funeral director - but equally, you can contact Revd Nigel directly if you would like more information.

Deepening Your Relationship with Jesus

You will find some links below to various resources that you might use to deepen your relationship with Jesus. If you would like to suggest some other resources please let us know!

A free bible app that is available online and on your smart phone.

The daily prayer app from the Church of England.

A free daily devotional with Bible teachings.

Pray consistently for the people and causes you care about. 

Weekly Church of England Online Service

Do you know someone who is unable to get to church? 

If so, why not point them in the direction of the weekly online service from the Church of England. They can sign up to a weekly mailing with details of the service and watch each of the services online. Click the button below for more details and to sign up.

Bexwell Online Services

Some of our services from Bexwell can be found online. Everyone is more than welcome to join us. Please see the calendar for the online services - the zoom link and Meeting ID's can be found in the calendar entries for each. If you have any problems accessing the zoom service please drop as a line by contacting is using this online form.

Daily Prayer from the Church of England

You can catch up with the Church of England daily prayer here.